What blood tests need to pass on parasites

In case of suspicion of infection of the human body worms requires testing for parasites in adults, results can confirm or refute the disease. You can check the feces or blood, to detect in the material of helminth eggs, larvae, Giardia or pinworms. Timely diagnostics will help to avoid unpleasant consequences, to cure dangerous diseases.

Ways of infection with helminths

In medical terminology, the analysis of parasites is conducting research on the detection in the blood or feces of worms, Giardia or other protozoa and worms. In the adult organism they come in a number of ways:

  • through Pets;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene, dirty hands, fruit, vegetables;
  • carriers serve as cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes;
  • swimming in infected waters.

Doctors distinguish medical indications for testing for parasites in the manifestation in humans following negative symptoms and signs:

  • weight loss without changing the amount of food consumed;
  • The study of blood
  • itching in the anus;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • fatigue, fatigue, lethargic behavior;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal pain, vomiting;
  • the strongest intoxication, if the worms are developing at an accelerated pace;
  • headache, dizziness, nausea;
  • minor allergic reactions, rash, urticaria;
  • reduced immunity, constant stress, insomnia;
  • may be concerned about the low level of hemoglobin;
  • the increasing pain of monthly in women fail cycle, inflammation of the ovaries;
  • prostatitis, cystitis, risk of impotence problems in men.

Modern methods include a blood test for parasites in which there are several subtypes:

  • ELISA – detects antibodies and antigens, the high cost and time-consuming method;
  • haemo scanning of an – indicator in the body of adult worms, what is their vital activity;
  • serological parasites in the blood are determined by study of the serum to determine the antibody, but the downside of this method is the difficulty of determining the stage of the disease;
  • PCR in blood, urine, plasma or serum identify parts of DNA molecules or RNA of worms.

To conduct a blood test for worms and Giardia, does 3 ml of venous blood from the patient and checked for the presence of antibodies and antigens by ELISA studies. For setting the correct diagnosis should follow the rules of the material:

  • tests for Giardia in adults taken into the laboratory, it seems the material on an empty stomach in the morning, to the fence are allowed to drink only water;
  • with the last meal must be not less than eight hours;
  • a couple of weeks cancel taking all drugs, if this is not possible, specify the doses and names of medications;
  • during the day, eliminate from the diet alcohol, fried, fatty foods, don't perform strenuous exercise.

A blood test for parasites

A blood test for parasites is an obligatory procedure for everyone who works in healthcare, education, animals or plans to visit educational institutions. In contrast to the coprogram, modern blood worms provide a more accurate result, provide an opportunity to assess the degree of infestation and to track the effectiveness of the treatment. Performed surveys of this type quickly and do not require much time to decipher.

Sad medical statistics suggests that approximately for every 3 persons the problem of worms is critical. Household transportation, office and educational institutions, unwashed fruits and vegetables, handshakes — all these familiar to every adult and child cases and are the main source of infestation. Even if the symptoms do not manifest immediately and, in any case, parasites have an extremely negative impact on the human body: cause poor appetite, contribute to the development of allergies, pain in the damaged organ, poor digestion, sometimes can cause death. Given this, you need to pass on parasites tests for each person (preferably every year).

You can't fuck with the examination, if it appear characteristic symptoms of helminthiasis:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • urticaria;
  • frequent nausea;
  • aversion to food;
  • a sharp decline in hemoglobin;
  • irritability or insomnia in children.

In addition, you can also call the group of people who are necessary every 6-8 months to check the blood. To these in particular include:

  • persons living in areas with frequent outbreaks of helminthiasis;
  • those who work in educational institutions and dealing with young children;
  • medical professionals;
  • all caterers;
  • persons working with animals, as well as their family members (veterinarians, workers at meat processing plants, shepherds, breeders, circus workers and zoo, etc.).

In addition, the blood worms have to pass all children of school and preschool age, which will soon have to attend school clubs. To investigate the blood parasites should pregnant women, children before the vaccination. In addition, repeated tests should pass after this course of treatment against parasites.

The most popular and reliable analysis specialists today called on the enzyme immunoassay of blood for parasites. The main purpose of this high-precision laboratory method to identify antibodies to a particular type of parasites. The same immunoglobulin (also called antibodies) are a natural reaction of the immune system, and are intended to neutralize the negative agent.

To make an accurate diagnosis, and find out what intensity occurs helminthic disease, how long it lasts, specialists manage using 3 different types of immunoglobulins:

  1. Class A. Detected in the blood of a child or adult is approximately 2-4 weeks after infection. Almost 80% of them are excreted in mucous membranes and only 20% remains in the blood. After treatment, immunoglobulin And can present not more than a month. If a second test for parasites again detects them, then the disease passed into a chronic form.
  2. Class M. the Most quickly react to the presence of the parasite. In blood detected on day 5 after infection. However, they do not stay long — up to 2 months, and then gradually displayed. Thus, the doctor can conclude that the presence of acute helminthiasis at the moment.
  3. Class G. Appear relatively late — after 1 month after helminth infection. However, they are displayed longer than six months. They are used in order to understand how long a person suffers from helminthiasis.

Compared to other laboratory methods, ELISA has several advantages, in particular:

  • high precision;
  • the ability to determine the stage of the disease;
  • versatility;
  • the possibility of using for mass screening of the population;
  • fits adult and child.

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay appropriate to use to identify these types of helminthiasis as:

  • giardiasis;
  • taeniasis;
  • trichinosis;
  • leishmaniasis;
  • ascariasis;
  • cysticercosis;
  • fascioliasis;
  • opisthorchiasis;
  • the echinococcosis.

Haemo scanning of an is one of the most modern tests for parasites in children and adults. With it is possible to identify the following:

  • the specific form of the parasite;
  • the structure and the number of leukocytes;
  • the number of red blood cells;
  • Letting blood from a vein
  • the degree of viscosity of the blood;
  • the immune system;
  • the presence of fungi and viruses.

Unlike ELISA, haemo scanning of an provides for the fence just a few drops of blood from the finger. The liquid is placed on a sterile glass, and then carefully examined under a microscope. The number increases reaches 1800-2000 times. You do not need no additional treatment (use of enzymes, dyes, drainage, etc.). In modern clinics the image displayed on the monitor, but because the patient has the opportunity to observe the research process, to verify the presence of fungi and helminths. Shocking may be a picture of a larvae of parasites. If necessary, run a photo or video of the study.

It is the Express method, because information about the state of his health the patient can learn in 10-15 minutes.

It is worth noting that as an independent method of identifying parasites haemo scanning of an is not actually used. The fact is that the human body can accommodate different types of parasites with different localization. Not in every case, the migration of the larvae in the blood. To suspect the presence of worms allows a reduced number of red blood cells (as some parasites feed on blood and nutrients), increased white blood cell count (indicates the body's fight against the parasite), dense plasma.

If using method 1 to identify the bot fails, the doctor recommends additional laboratory tests:

  1. Serologic analysis. Also refers to the immunological variants, and ELISA. However, unlike the latter, the first aims to explore not blood, and serum. In order to obtain information, the physician needs to use the reaction between antibodies and antigens. Serological analysis is not performed for all types of worms, but just the fact that the doctor has a suspicion. If the human body is a parasite, a specialist will notice a clear reaction.
  2. PCR diagnostics. Makes it impossible to ascertain the stage of development of helminth infection and are not recommended for establishment of all types of parasites. With its help it is possible to find out only whether there are in the human body simple worms. The main task of the technician in this case — the search of DNA and RNA of the parasite. It does not matter, the parasite is alive or dead. To take to research is the possibility of any material, in particular, urine, blood or feces. For greater reliability of such analysis can give up a few times.
  3. Vegetative resonance test. The method is based on identifying the resonance between the human body and drug. The latter are information carriers of various types of worms. All the frequency data of each species of parasites was recorded by scientists in 1989 by art (as is also called this method) is carried out only in laboratory conditions and provides an opportunity to identify, what is the status of the human immune system in a specific period of time. So, with the help of VRT doctor can figure out whether the body is suffering from allergies whether it is toxic, bacterial, parasitic influence or not.
  4. A complete blood count. Too high or too low hemoglobin, decreased red blood cell count, an increased number of eosinophils are the main characteristics which allow to suspect the presence of the parasite in the human body.

Features of delivery of the analysis depend on which method you have to use, and which types of parasites are suspected. Usually, the blood is from a vein, and in some cases (haemo scanning of an) from the finger. Only 10-15 ml of blood to establish the diagnosis.

To get the most accurate information, it is necessary to observe certain rules of delivery of clinical tests:

  1. On the eve of the day of blood collection the patient should not consume too much salty, fatty food (because it can change the level of white blood cells); the foods that can cause allergies — honey, citrus (increase of eosinophils, which also occurs when helminthiasis); foods rich in essential oils of garlic, onion, ginger (which affects the activity of parasites).
  2. It is better to pass the material on an empty stomach. Allowed in a small amount of clean water.
  3. It is imperative to inform your doctor about medications that were used during the last 2 weeks.
  4. Not recommended for a few days before the tests to use any physiotherapy treatments (including chest x-rays, ultrasound, radiography).
  5. At least a week before blood sampling to give up alcoholic drinks and medicines that contain high concentrations of ethyl alcohol.
  6. Smoking should be abandoned at least 2 hours before testing.

If strong helminthiasis suffered pregnant examination is required and the infant. The blood taken from the umbilical cord or placenta.

To perform the examination, as a rule, technicians is enough for 2-3 days. A little more time (up to 5 days) will have to spend in case the package is run immunological studies on different types of parasites.

Transcript should only be a specialist. The simplest interpretation remains haemo scanning of an and PCR diagnostics. They either detect the parasite or its larvae or not.

Difficult situation with a method that should be called IFA. The doctor is obliged to take into account the immunoglobulins from 3 groups. So, the acute form of the disease can tell if there will be a combination of: immunoglobulin M positive, and class A or G can be positive or negative. About chronic form misleading data: immunoglobulin M do not exist, and class A and G can be positive or negative.

In that case, if any of the above mentioned tests showed a positive result, to delay the treatment of helminthiasis is not worth it. After the full prescribed course of treatment requires repeated testing, but this should be done approximately 2-3 months after the medication. Not knowing what tests need to pass, it is better to consult a doctor-internist, infectious disease doctor, gastroenterologist or parasitologist.